Biography of Artist Dilli Krishna Ale
Dilli Krishna Krishna Ale(Artist) Was Born on Jestha 21th 2014 in Dhankuta District drew a First Art 2038 on Without knowledge in that Field of Formal Education . And Thought it was Praise Worthy.
He Established himself in Dhankuta by practicing with water color in
his childhood at his own hometown. Now a days he is trying to provide his skill
in different School And wards to promote the future generation . He has gained
the experience of one mans Art exhibition due to this experiences get chance to
participate in different workshop 0rganised by nation wide as well as
internationally .
मिति २०१४ साल
जेठ २१ गते धनकुटामा जन्म भई औपचारिक रुपमा चित्रकला सम्वन्धि कुनै पनि शिक्षा नलिएका
डिल्ली कृष्ण आलेले २०३८ सालमा आफुलाई मन पर्ने चित्र तयार पारी आफै दंग परेको थिए
। बाल्यकालमा घरमा नै रही वसी आफै रंग पोख्न थालेको मा विस्तारै पानी रंगको अभ्यासले
धनकुटामा स्थापीत हुन सहयो मिलेको छ । सरकारी सेवामा रोेजगार समाप्ती सँगै नयाँ पुस्तालाई
सीपहरु प्रदान गर्न प्राय वडामा रहेका विद्यालयहरुमा पुगी चित्रकलाको ज्ञान वाडिरहेका
छन् । जिल्लामा नै पहिलो एकल चित्रकला प्रद्र्धशनीको अनुभव समेत रहेको ।
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